Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Today is the day to head to the polls and let your voice be heard! I don't care if you are republican, democratic, independant, or if you don't care about politics at all, every American should vote. I don't neccassarily get into politics myself, but these people that are "working" for us in Washington are doing more than fighting over silly laws that won't effect most of us, (which they do), they also vote on things that will effect you and me directly. How many of us are using financial aid right now? Who do you think decides how much money there is to hand out? How about these lovely roads we use. These people are in charge of trying to balance a budget, that if they fail, we will see a huge hike in taxes. If they do manage to balance the budget, I will put money on the fact that a lot of "extra" things, like grants, and money matching to many different projects across the state and country will come to a screeching halt. Each of us are individually vested in the future of our country. You will have different ideas on how this country should be run, and by voting for the person that best reminds you of yourself, it puts your goals and ideas into better reach. We, as a country, will never agree on anything, but we do need to be happy that we are able to have the discussions, and the disagreements without persecution . So get out there and vote people, and GOD BLESS AMERICA!

1 comment:

  1. I Voted too!! It was my first time! All of the people that didn't vote have no right to complain because they had there chance to change things and they didn't even try.
