Monday, October 25, 2010

In the News

Looking over some of the top stories in the local papers, and on line, only one thing continues to come to mind. Our world is falling apart. For every good and heart-warming story, there are a million horrible stories. Florida seems to be the state where kids think is it ok to torture and kill other human beings. In North Carolina, a child is believed dead, quite possibly killed by her dad and or stepmother. In yet another state, a fireman, one of our nations hero's, released a video of a 23 year old girl dying in a car crash. The list goes on. What is happening to our human decency? Our ability to feel compassion for others? Is human life so expendable? Not that I blame parents for their childrens choices in life, but I must ask: Where were you? How is it possible that kids are growing up without the respect for human life. Is it the video games? The movies? Not having a stay at home parent? How did we get to this point in society, where you get a pat on the back if you don't end up in jail at least once before your 25th birthday? Even in small towns, where crime is usually non-existent, it is on the rise. Locally, here in LaCrosse, sexual assault has been the big story, the small town of Nodine, population less than 80, there has been cases of vandalism reported. The one thing I know for sure is there is no way one person can fix this problem. We must all choose to stand up for justice. It might be as simple as letting the kids down the street know that your watching them, and you have no problem "tattling" on them. It might be as hard as telling your friends that you can't hang out with them tonight if they insist on egging the uncool teacher's house. Criminals start small, so we must stand up to the little things. Maybe in 50 years the effort will pay off, and people will revert back to "normalcy", of respecting other people, their property, and their right to live life peacfully.

1 comment:

  1. I agree its getting horibble, my mom works at a school and because she took a boys phone away during class, her house got egged the other night, and a week before that the boys soccer team beat that school and then our girls soccer team lost the that school and they egged my brothers car, cracked a bottle of alcohol on it, thank god they only spray painted the street and not the car. But all of this over a kid texting during class ridiculous!!
